Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Obaibi...Oh baby!

I have been wanting to write about Obaibi for a long time. Unfortunately every time I went in there the last couple of months, they had low inventory because their merchandise was stopped at customs because of some paperwork glitch. Well that has certainly changed and we can now put that aside. I went today and they had great things and so many sales, some items were up to 50% off. Basically Obaibi is a french chain store that sells their own designed clothing. It is quite popular in France and their clothes definitely show their French origin. They are a mix between Jacadi and Cadet Rouselle. The designs and fabrics are wonderful. The prices are great too. In fact it pretty much costs the same as if you bought it personally in Paris! So save your money and skip the airline ticket and check it out at 1296 Madison Avenue and 92nd. Also I can't wait for them to open their older children's store, appropriately called Okaidi since Obaibi only goes up to size 5!